Spring’s Savior: A Sump Pump

Andrew Kyle • March 8, 2021

Spring is around the corner. We’re looking forward to evenings full of natural light, warmer weather, and lighter layers. Have you thought about how you’re going to protect your home from the thawing that’s bound to happen? We had some unprecedented cold this year. This type of weather should have made you realize that you should expect the unexpected  and  prepare for it.

If you’re trying to keep your home in great shape with an underserved sump pump, you should schedule an appointment with us. We specialize in  sump pump repairs. This is a service that’s going to make the biggest difference in your comfort during the coming months.

Signs You Need Sump Pump Repair

Here are a few signs that your home could benefit from sump pump repair:

1. Inability to Turn On

When you go to turn on your home’s sump pump, does it respond? If the answer is no, we want you to do a little troubleshooting before you call a professional. Make sure the float switch is clear and ready to work. Sometimes things can get tangled in the sump basin.

If this isn’t the problem, then your home’s sump pump is having a hard time. We can help you with repair work.

2. Strange Noises

Your home’s sump pump shouldn’t make much noise. Strange noises coming from this system mean that you have a repair problem brewing in your home. Any noise that’s new, loud, or alarming to you is a sign that you need extra care for your sump pump. Watch out for sounds like rattling or grinding in particular. They’re real problems.

3. Running Continuously

If your home’s sump pump runs nonstop, then you have a repair issue on your hands. Your sump pump isn’t working overtime. In reality, your home’s sump pump is struggling to perform and rid your home of the water that’s accumulated.

4. Visible Wear

Take a look at your sump pump. What does it look like? If your sump pump looks fine other than a little dust that’s accumulated throughout the winter season, then you’re in the clear. If your sump pump has rust or any other type of intense visible wear, you’re going to need to schedule an appointment with us. You need repair work.

5. Old Age

An old sump pump is a bad sump pump. Even if it seems like your home’s sump pump is chugging along just fine, you should consider upgrading. Old age is eventually going to wear down your home’s sump pump system. This might mean that you need repair work from our team members.

6. Tripped Circuits

Your home’s sump pump runs on electricity. This means that if something goes wrong with your home’s sump pump, you might notice that your circuit breaker trips. This shouldn’t happen often. If it’s happening all the time, then you might be dealing with a damaged switch in your home. We’re professionals who can solve the problem you’re facing safely.

Contact Doug Turner Plumbing CO. today to  schedule an appointment  with our professionals. Services you can depend on!

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